Gratë për Gratë më aftësi të kufizuara të Kosovës (Women for Women with Disabilities)

Bukurije Gashi, the mother of a handicapped child, has suffered from breast cancer. While she had an operation five years ago, she has not visited the doctor for the recommended regular check-ups since then.

“For three years I have not had the opportunity to visit the doctor because I could not afford it,” she explained. “Therefore, I am more than grateful to Women for Women with Disabilities, which made it possible for me to see a doctor,” she said.

The organization’s project “I love life as I am”, supported by the KWN Kosovo Women’s Fund, offered a free Pap test to 10 women with disabilities who could not afford such tests due to their economic situation. “We also, provide training for using a urinary catheter for women or members of their families, so they do not need to pay for this service. At the same time we provide people with free catheters,” said Drita Vukshinaj, the organization’s Director.

Further, the Prizren – based Women for Women with Disabilities has ensured that women receive sustainable support from the Department of Health. “Our organization successfully placed the names of individuals who use catheters on the essential list of the Department of Health within the Municipality of Prizren,” Drita Vukshinaj explained. “This department has promised to offer people catheters and the service of installing them free of charge starting in 2013.”

Women for Women with Disabilities works for the empowerment, emancipation, protection and improvement of the role of women with disabilities in society. The organization also trains women with disabilities about preventing and treating kidney diseases.