Kosovo Young Feminists to Join International Caravan

After a slight summer hiatus, the Kosovo Young Women’s Empowerment Initiative is renewing its activism, re-launched with an informal discussion that engaged a broader coalition of young feminists on Aug. 26 in Prishtina. Young feminists seek to broaden their coalition in advocating for issues of importance to Kosovo feminists in coming months.
    The casual kick-off meeting had a special guest: Milena Abrahamyan from the Young Feminists of Europe Network shared information about the international "Feminist Caravan", which will take place from 8 Mar. through 17 Oct. 2015. In solidarity with the World March of Women, the Caravan will cross European (and perhaps other) borders. Its main theme is "Globalization of Solidarity", as Milena put it. The Caravan will seek to unite diverse feminists and feminist groups in different areas. It will bring to the forefront the different struggles that women in different areas face, identify similarities and encourage collaboration on combating issues of inequality.
   The journey will be documented via a radio show, in collaboration with radio shows in each country, and as part a documentary film. The route of the Caravan is not entirely set yet. It will begin in either England or Turkey, and then will visit diverse countries in support of feminist events planned in those countries. The Caravan will definitely end at a larger event in Portugal. Feminists can join the Caravan for any part of the trip, or for the entire time. 
    A heated debate among the potential Kosovo participants surrounded the question whether men, and people who identify with other genders, can take part in the Caravan. The debate ended with the question whether this is "A feminist, or a women’s Caravan?" Milena will bring this and the other issues discussed to the attention of the Caravan’s organizers and a definitive answer will be provided on their website and/or Facebook page, where interested persons can also gather additional information about the Caravan as it becomes available.
    Kosovo participants were eager to learn more about the Young Feminists of Europe Network and future plans for the Kosovo Young Women’s Empowerment Initiative. In the next informal and fun meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, 2 Sep. at “Si n’ Bahçe” in Prishtina, young feminists will discuss specific ideas, actions and goals for advocacy initiatives and empowering young feminists in Kosovo. Come join us!
P.S. Discussions will continue in other regions of Kosovo in the weeks to come – so if you can’t make it to Prishtina, no worries – we’ll visit your area soon!