Domestic violence remains one of the most prevalent forms of violence perpetrated in Kosovo. Although this is a serious criminal offense, every day women continue to be victims of domestic violence, which sometimes end in homicide. These cases are common in communities throughout the country. The 2019 statistics on domestic violence are extremely concerning.
To address this, the “Luna” organization has been doing fieldwork for six months, working closely with women from the Serb community in the village of Plemetin/Obilic, from Mitrovica, from the village of Ranillug in the Municipality of Gjilan, from the village of Uglarje/Fushe Kosove, and with women from Novo Brdo and Gracanica.
Executive Director of this organization, Stanislava Kovacevic talked about the necessity for the implementation of such an initiative.
“The situation [of the prevalence of domestic violence] is worse among minority groups, such as those of Serbs, Roma and others. Although we do not possess official data, we still know the situation because we are in daily touch with them. Therefore, we implemented the initiative ‘Promoting and Protecting Women’s Rights from Domestic Violence’”, Kovacevic said.
This initiative made possible the implementation of the following activities:
- Informing women about their rights in cases of domestic violence,
- Aa roundtable discussion on the Impact of patriarchal mind set on women suffering from domestic violence
- Aa meeting held within the observation of 16 Days No Violence.
- The Kosovo Police has been visited, in order where to show women that it is the first step in reporting domestic violence.
- A visit was also made to the Safe House/Novo Brdo, which is available to Serbian women and women from other communities as well, who are victims of domestic violence.
One of the female beneficiaries of this initiative expressed her gratitude for being among the participants, adding that the information gained has been very helpful for her well-being.
An information session was held as part of this initiative. Over ten Serb women in the village of Uglarje/Fushe Kosovo discussed Informing women of their rights in cases of domestic violence, addressing institutions, and recognition as well as support for minority women suffering from domestic violence. Ariana-Qosaj Mustafa, Chairwoman of the KWN Board, Program Director and Senior Researcher at KIPRED lectures, was at this meeting, where she spoke about the most common causes of violence and domestic violence victims.
Mustafa informed the participants about the Law on Domestic Violence Protection, as well as the institutional steps to be taken in case of experiencing violence.
“A life free from Gender-Based Violence” is one of KWN’s key programs aiming to empower women and girls of all communities to live a life free from gender-based violence.
This initiative is supported by Kosovo Women’s Fund (KWF), financed by Austrian Development Agency (ADA).