KWN Work Highly Relevant, Effective, Review Concludes

 KWN recently underwent a successful independent mid-term reviewof the Kosovo Women’s Fund (KWF)grant scheme and support for municipal Gender Equality Advocacy Groups (GEAGs).  The project that underwent review, supported by the Austrian Development Agency and Kvinna till Kvinna, seeks to increase and improve women’s participation in decision-making at the municipal level. KWF provides grants to KWN members, enabling them to further their organizational and advocacy capacities while undertaking initiatives tailored to addressing challenges in their municipalities and beyond. 

    The midterm review assessed KWN’s work to be “highly relevant” to Kosovo’s development needs, and based upon a well-researched and highly evidence-driven understanding of the country’s current position. The project also was considered highly relevant to KWN’s Strategic Plan for 2011-2014. Further, the report found that the project has made strong progress on all of its expected results, and therefore is on track to achieve its expected results and overall project goal. It assessed the achieved results thus far as very likely to be sustainable even after project completion. 
     Good progress, according to the report, has been made towards the goal of establishing five new GEAGs and supporting the work of the remaining eight. As of now, three new GEAGs (in Dragash, Drenas/Gllogovac, and Podujevo) have been established, and the Groups have strengthened their capacities with KWN’s support. They have undertaken several successful advocacy initiatives at the municipal level towards furthering gender equality.
     With regard to KWF, the report found that the project already has brought about “visible positive changes” on both the individual and organizational level.  Individually, it was found that representatives of KWN members and project beneficiaries have been empowered with skills, knowledge from training and events and networking contacts, among others, as a result of the project.
     On the organization level, KWN members displayed stronger development capacity (particularly with regards to project cycle management, project implementation, reporting, fundraising and advocacy) and improved internal processes and procedures. During interviews with grant recipients, many emphasized the on-going support they received during implementation, which they believe helped them complete their projects successfully, acquire new skills and strengthen their organizations overall.  
     The full report can be read online