Young Women Mobilize Solidarity Beyond Borders

Saddened by the flooding affecting people’s lives throughout the region, Blerta Avdili and Venera Çoçaj initiated an ad-hoc apolitical coalition called Solidarity Beyond Borders. With support from KWN, they mobilized various actors in a public display of support in the center of Prishtina and are collecting assistance to help people affected by this natural disaster in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia.
“I read a quote by Howard Zinn that ‘the cry of the poor is not always just, but if you do not listen to it you will never know what justice is,’” Blerta said. “The ad hoc coalition Solidarity beyond Borders is showing that civil society and many individuals from Kosovo do listen to these cries and are willing to stand together in the name of humanity.”

With support from artists, the organizers will auction art and give the money raised to people affected by the disaster. They also plan to open a bank account where people can donate money. NGO Artpolis has put out a box during the Femmes Fatales festival where people can make donations.