KWN launches research report on Budgeting for Improved Gender Equality in Diaspora

 Often times, women, men, girls and boys have various needs and priorities. Diaspora policies and programs must consider such differences. The Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) includes integrating gender in all the stages of planning, implementation, monitoring and assessment of state budgets. 
      In Kosovo, all budget organizations are legally bound to perform a GRB in order to advance the gender equality and better fulfil the needs of various citizens. Carrying out the gender analysis is the first essential step towards informing GRB. 
      For this reason, the Ministry of Diaspora (MD) and the Kosovo Women’sNetwork (KWN) have cooperated closely in order to carry out this gender analysis towards identifying the specific objectives and activities for furthering the gender equality in the operations of the Ministry.

Therefore, as a result of this cooperation, on 17 November, KWN published the most recent report on “Budgeting for Improved Gender Equality in Diaspora Program”. The recommendations stemming from this analysis aim at providing vital information to the MD Budget for 2018, and the Medium Term Expenditure Frameworks (MTEFs).
In her opening speech, KWN Executive Director, Igballe Rogova expressed her gratitude to the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) for its support and the Ministry of Diaspora, which made it possible to work on this report.
Later on, Cerim Bajrami addressed to the attendees thanking KWN and ADA for this cooperation which led to such completed report.
Further on, the main findings and recommendations stemming from this report were presented by the co-author of this report and the KWN Program Manager and Head of Research, Nicole Farnsworth.
Following the presentation of main findings, Kreshnik Berisha, Political Advisor to the Minister of Diaspora, expressed his willingness to continue the cooperation with KWN stating that “we are hearing and we will act”.
In the end, the attendees were given the opportunity to discuss the findings and recommendations stemming from this report, which was published with the support from the Austrian Development Agency (ADA).
While you may read here, the final report, the main findings and recommendations of this report are provided below:
  • Some MD departments and bodies do not have gender-segregated data or systems for maintaining and using such data for budget planning. The Ministry should ensure that the employees gather, maintain and use gender-segregated data about the targeted persons, persons receiving consultation and those who benefit from MD programs, in order to improve the input data for planning future expenditures.
  • Except for this report, the Ministry has not carried out any known gender analysis to gather data for drafting or analyzing laws, policies or existing strategies related to diaspora. The Ministry should carry out gender analysis to obtain data that will inform drafting of laws, policies, strategies, programs and action plans, analyzing the way the latter impact differently men and women. The Ministry must ensure that the Gender Equality Officer (GEO) participates in working groups.
  • As of May 2017, women constituted only 23% of all beneficiaries of subsidies and transfer category and received only 20% of expenses (less than EUR 22,000 out of EUR 110,000), MD must take affirmative actions to increase the share of subsidies and grants benefiting women.
  • The procurement processes did not include affirmative actions towards furthering gender equality, as stipulated by the amended Law on Public Procurement. The Public Procurement Division can increase the inclusion of social objectives related to gender equality, under contracts, thereby obliging the contractors to apply the measures designed to promote gender equality when implementing their contracts.
  • More men than women have availed themselves of the opportunity for Diaspora students to carry out internships in various ministries. Women constitute 35% of all the interns during 2015-2017.
  • The Department for Protection and Cultivation of Education and Culture in Diaspora may use affirmative measures to encourage more men to participate in internship programs.
  • More women (60%) than men (40%) participated in trainings held during 2015 and March 2017. Unless these affirmative measures aim at advancing women in career, MD must consider a more balanced participation in trainings from women and men.
  • In April 2017, 37% of MD employees were women and 63% men. In 2016, men received 70% of expenditures for salaries and wages. More men (81%) than women (19%) have continuously worked at decisionmaking and better paid levels. MD must use affirmative measures to employ and promote more qualified women, thus contributing to more balanced expenditures in the salaries and wages economic category.
  • Women participated in 20% of official travels out of the total official travels in 2016.
  • As a result, the women officials received only 15% of expenditures for official travels. MD must ensure a gender balance among its staff that participate in official travel.