The theatre play “Copë Copë” has been performed throughout Kosovo, raising awareness against domestic violence among citizens. The performance presented the real life stories of women who have suffered domestic violence and currently live in shelters in Kosovo. The play was unique in that actresses portraying these stories included both professional actors and women who had suffered domestic violence themselves.
Blerta Zeqiri wrote the play and Zana Hoxha-Krasniqi directed it. Actors playing roles as women in shelters included: Melihate Qena, Dardana Mehmeti, Donikë Ahmeti, Arta Gashi, Albina Kelmendi, Bashkime Sulejmani and Minire Bujupi. For people who did not have the opportunity to see the premier in Prishtina, the play took place in most of Kosovo theatres.
“It was very intense, emotional, and honest,” an audience member said. “You couldn’t tell which of the actresses had really experienced their stories and which hadn’t. The performance stayed with me for several weeks.”“I am happy with what we achieved through this process,” said Director Zana Hoxha-Krasniqi for KultPlus online media, who has worked on several plays treating issues faced by women, including related to the last war during which women were victims of sexual violence, on domestic violence and on other forms of physical and psychological violence.
“The goal of this play was that women could speak out and tell their experiences,” said Melihate Qena. “The way they do it, no artist can. We only try [to present their stories], because our work is artificial and theirs is original. It comes from their soul.”