Down Syndrome Kosova Organisation (DSK), branch in Ferizaj, has started the activities of the initiative “Involvement of persons with disabilities in political decision-making”. In the framework of this initiative, meetings were held with members of Down Syndrome Kosova, and the organisations Hendifer, Handikos, and Pema, as well as with the parents of these members.
In the first meeting with members, the manager of DSK in Ferizaj, Jetbardha Selmani, said that it is important that such issues are discussed so that institutions have a clear picture of the current situation, and people with disabilities become part of local decision-making.
“The purpose of these meetings is to highlight the situations you face every day. In a meeting with officials of the Municipality of Ferizaj they told us that they do not have a plan for the inclusion of people with disabilities in political, cultural, and social life, so any of your comments is appreciated, because it will be forwarded to the municipality”, she said.

Member Ekrem Karaliti said that it is important to be consulted on various projects in the municipality of Ferizaj.

“I would be involved in drafting laws and policies that affect my daily life, because no one knows better than us the situations we face,” he said.
Whereas, in the meeting with the parents of the members of Handikos, problems that are an obstacle for the social and economic advancement of their children were raised.
Ibadete Ibrahimi, talked about the main challenges she faces for her son’s education.
“Our main problem is the lack of school transportation, but also for various activities in the centres where children are registered. Also, teachers, students, and everyone else, should be made aware of accepting people with disabilities in society, and not bullying them”, she said.

From three meetings held with members, and three with parents, numerous recommendations were made for the municipality of Ferizaj, such as: access to education, lack of assistants and individual plans, lack of a day centre, road and public institutions infrastructure, fund for recovery abroad, higher pensions for people with disabilities, etc.

The next activity of Down Syndrome Kosova is to present these recommendations to local institutions in Ferizaj.
This initiative of the 15th round of the Kosova Women’s Fund is funded by the European Union Office in Kosovo.