Kosova Women’s Network (KWN) member organisation, “Gruaja Fermere” is continuing the implementation of the initiative “Sex education tailored to age and development”. The students of the Technical High School “Selajdin Mullaabazi – Mici” had the opportunity to attend the lecture of Dr. Florije Kafexhiu about reproductive health, family planning, unwanted pregnancies, and adolescent health.
The project coordinator, Muradije Shehu, said that they have chosen to address this topic because of the great need for young people to become aware of reproductive health.
“We are grateful to the Kosova Women’s Network, through which the organisation of these lectures, very useful for young people, was made possible”, she said.

Meanwhile, the lecturer Kafexhiu advised the students to be aware of the health risks that may threaten them.
“You should feel free to know more about sex education because lack of information can have many consequences, and infections are among the most common and should be treated with caution, because some of them do not show any symptoms at first”.

She advised students, despite the psychological and emotional changes that they may encounter during adolescence, to talk to parents or psychologists about any concerns. She added that in no case should narcotics or alcohol be used as an attempt to escape problems.
The student of dentistry, Anjeza Krasniqi, expressed her satisfaction with the training.
“I liked the topic we discussed today because we learned a lot of things we did not know, and which we never discussed in school. This information will help us take proper care of our health,” she said.

Previous activities of “Gruaja Fermere” organisation include discussions with school principals and teachers, who have supported the idea of updating the school curriculum with the subject of sex education. Next, eight lectures are expected to be held with middle and high school students in Rahovec.
This initiative is funded by the Austrian Development Agency and co-financed by the Swedish International Cooperation and Development Agency, through the Swedish Embassy in Prishtina, in the framework of KWN’s initiative “Further Advancement of Women’s Rights in Kosova II”.