The member organization of the Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN), “Gruaja Fermere” has continued lectures on sex education with primary school students within the initiative “Sexual education for youth”.
During January, a total of three lectures in Rahovec and one in Krusha e Madhe were held. 104 students aged 12-17 (52 girls and 52 boys), had the opportunity to attend the lecture of Dr. Florije Kafexhiu about reproductive health, family planning, unwanted pregnancies, and adolescent health.

After conversations with students, the subject of sex education in primary schools was considered more than necessary. The students also expressed the need for a center within the school that serves for counseling and providing the necessary information.

This initiative, benefiting from the 15th round of the Kosovo Women’s Fund, is funded by the Austrian Development Agency and co-financed by the Swedish International Cooperation and Development Agency, through the Swedish Embassy in Pristina, within the KWN initiative “Advancing Further on Women’s Rights in Kosovo II”.
In addition to this organization, KWN’s other member organization “Gruaja Hyjnore” is working toward raising awareness of students about sexual harassment and early reporting. HERE you can read about one of her recent activities.