“Gruaja Hyjnore” marks International Human Rights Day

December 10, International Human Rights Day, was also marked by the member organisation of the Kosova Women’s Network (KWN), “Gruaja Hyjnore” in Gjilan.

Citizens, representatives of institutions and of civil society, respecting the measures against Covid-19, attended the workshop on human rights, with special emphasis on women’s rights and combating violence against them.

Lecturer prof. Ferid Azemi, emphasised the importance of reporting cases of human rights violations.

“If you hear cases of violation of rights, or more specifically violence, you should immediately report to the competent authorities, because community policing can save someone’s life“, said Azemi.

Gani Leci, from the Victims’ Protection Office in the region of Gjilan, said that although citizens report violence, it happens that victims are afraid to accept the truth.

We have had cases when the neighbour reported the violence and legal and protective measures were taken immediately, because the Law on Protection from Domestic Violence protects the rights of everyone”, he said.

Attendees shared various experiences of consequences of non-reporting of domestic violence, and the importance of the community to help victims. It was said that we should cultivate the culture that violence between the couple is not a private matter.

This activity is supported by the Sigrid Rausing Trust, through the 16th round of the Kosova Women’s Fund, which provides organizational support to NGOs working for women’s rights.

Read also: Kosovo Women’s Fund Announces Core Support