Handikos Prishtina Helps Women with Disabilities

Throughout February, Organization of People with Disabilities, Handikos Prishtina organized field visits and group meetings with women members of the organization in order to integrate them into society.

Handikos Prishtina was able to offer counselling program to help women with support from the Kosovo Women’s Fund (KWF) and nd funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and co-financed by UN Women. “Integration of women and girls with disabilities in society” initiative helped 34 women and young women with disabilities.

During the field visits, Handikos Prishtina had the opportunity to identify cases of members who find it impossible to integrate into society as they lack companionship and assistance. Thus, they necessarily remain closed and immobile.

“Women with disabilities remain the most marginalized group in Kosovo society, especially those who live in rural areas, in which case the isolation becomes deeper” said Mehreme Llumnica, Project Coordinator.

At the facility of Handikos Prishtina were organized six handicraft workshops led by Mrs. Nazlie Statovci, for training participants in handicrafts, which may affect women’s opportunities for economic independence. Handikos Prishtina also held socio-psychological and health lectures with psychologist Rukije Vllasa.

“These meetings have created a safe space to express members’ concerns, health problems, as well as the challenges of lack of treatment and provision that they need, etc.” said Vllasa.

The organized activities were highly appreciated by the members of the organization and the participants of the activities.

“Through communication, companionship and engagement, these activities directly affected self-confidence and empowerment for the protection of our rights,” said Ms. Naile Ismajli, participant.

In addition to Handikos Prishtina, beneficiaries of the 14th round of KWF are 19 other member organizations. You can read the full list HERE