Kvinna till Kvinna Partners Discuss Good Practices

Kvinna till Kvinna (KtK)organized a Good Practices conference with its partners in the Western Balkans at Hotel Bleart in Durrës, Albania from 24-27 Jun. The conference was organized with the purpose of sharing experiences and good practices, as well as to provide a space for networking among women’s rights activists.

The conference involved parallel workshops with interesting and challenging thematic issues, such as: Working for women in politics – experiences from the region; 1325 National Action Plans – taking control and claiming accountability; Art as tool for social change; EU advocacy – good advice and practical examples; Leading new activists; Working against VAW on the national and local level – experiences from the region; and Women Human Right Defenders – working with EU guidelines and UN.     

Lena Ag, Secretary General of Kvinna till Kvinna, opened the conference, providing information about KtK’s present and future plans for the region and beyond. She quoted Virginia Wolf, “As a woman I have no country. My country is the whole world.”
     Two KWN staff members participated as panellists: Nicole Farnsworth discussed KWN’s efforts to monitor and advocate for the implementation of UNSCR 1325andMimoza Pachuku,Kosova Women’s Fund Coordinator,presented in the panel Leading New Activists.KWN members from Legjenda, Mitrovica Women’s Association for Human Rights and Aureola also shared their experiences.