Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN) held its members regular bimonthly meeting on February 6, 2017.
As the main theme of the meeting was KWN Strategy and Activities for 2017, arising from the KWN strategy 2015-2018, adopted by the member organizations, Igballe Rogova, KWN Executive Director, stated that: “As long as its members are strong, no doubt that the Network will be as strong. Therefore, we continue our hardwork towards empowering our members.” By the end of 2016, KWN has implemented approximately 71% of its strategy. During 2017, KWN will further develop the achievements, advancing towards the implementation of the strategy.
Mrs. Rogova continued with the official booklet launching of Little Grants, Big Changes, stating that "the main reason for publishing this brochure is transparency, as the pillar of this Fund, not only for donors but also for the community." She further recalled that on February 2, KWN launched Access to Healthcare in Kosovo report. During 2017, KWN will work closely with the Coalition of Organizations for health, sexual and reproductive rights – K10, aiming to develop advocacy efforts on the recommendations in this report and to improve women’s access to quality health care generally. KWN has joined the coalition in 2016.
Adelina Berisha, KWN Advocacy Coordinator shared the information that over 70% of recommendations from research reports on domestic violence are now included in the Strategy and National Plan against Domestic Violence. She also informed members about the ‘1 Billion Rising’ activity to be held on Feb., 14 starting from 11am, which this year is being organized by Artpolis, in collaboration with several other organizations, including KWN. This year’s motto is "Stop the Exploitation of Women".
Zahrije Podrimqaku, Gender Equality Officer in Glogovac, briefed members regarding how they have lobbied in Drenas Municipality that Administrative Instruction for registration of property, which is free until March, to be extended for household women. Advocacy resulted successful for this category, however, the advocacy is continuing to extend this AI for other women as well.
Further, Ms. Rogova informed the members that after a long and transparent work the commission for war survivors of sexual violence is completed. The selection panel of this commission, with five government-appointees already existing members, have chosen: a lawyer, a psychiatrist, a psychologist and a representative of civil society.
Further, Gentiana Murati, Coordinator of KWN’s Kosovo Women’s Fund (KWF) briefed that KWFs opening of round 11 is planned during February with the support of the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and the Office of European Union in Kosovo. Total amount of grants to be awarded will be 55,000€. More details and all the necessary information regarding round 11 will follow up during February.
While it was being discussed whether members regular meetings should be held more often, Luljeta Avdic from NGO Dora Dorës commented that "although we are informed regularly by KWN staff, members meetings help us even more considering the importance of visual effect. I would like to use this opportunity to acknowledge and sincerely thank Network staff for their hard work and ongoing support they provide us.”
The next KWN members will be held in April. This activity was supported by the European Union Office in Kosovo.