The KWN Board of Directors is elected by the KWN Assembly of Members during the Annual Membership Meeting in December. As the elected representatives of KWN members, it is the second highest decision-making body in the network. The Board of Directors oversees KWN’s work through quarterly meetings, as well as advises on key decisions taken by the network’s staff. For 2015, Board of Directors members include: Ariana Qosaj-Mustafa, Chair of the Board, Women’s Rights Activist; Sevdije Ahmeti, Activist for Human Rights, Hajrulla Çeku Executive Director, Ec ma Ndryshe, Belgjyzare Muharremi, Executive Director, Open Door (Dera e Hapur); Zana Hoxha Krasniqi, Executive Director, Artpolis; Besim M. Kajtazi, Director of the Legal Office, Office of the Prime Minister andNermin Mahmuti, Executive Director Community Development Fund (CDF).
Since the mandate of two Board members: Ms. Belgjyzare Muharremi and Ms. Zana Hoxha Krasniqi, expires in December. Ms. Muharremi, despite being re-nominated, had expressed her wish to pause and to provide others with the opportunity to be part of the KWN Board, while Ms. Zana Hoxha Krasniqi was excited to admit the re-nomination. The new nominations were: Ajete Kërçeli, Dua Dauti – Kurti and Hana Marku. Also during the meeting was given the information that the Board has received the letter of Board member, Mr. Hajrullah Çeku, requesting resignation, which should be approved by the Board. Until this happens, the replacement of Mr. Çeku in the Board cannot be voted on.
During that time, the commission for counting the votes was established, the members were: Ms. Besa Shehu, Administrative and Financial Manager in KWN; Gjejrane Lokaj, representative of the KWN member organization “Women’s Initiative Association”; and Shqipe Kurti, representative of the European Union Office in Kosovo.
After some minutes used for voting, Besa Shehu announced the results of voting, with Ms. Zana Hoxha Krasniqi having won 32 votes; Ms. Hana Marku 15 votes, Ms. Ajete Kërqeli and Ms. Dua Dauti 14 votes each, which means that the two new members of the KWN Board for the 2016-2018 period are Zana Hoxha Krasniqi and Hana Marku.