Mother of 7 Begins Tradition of Registering Property in Women’s Names

Nazlije Gjaravina from Gjakova is the mother of seven children, six daughters and one son. A devoted mother, she has dedicated her life to raising and educating her children. While her formal education is limited, she has worked diligently to expand her talents at making traditional clothing. The income she has generated through her work has helped her husband and children to have a better life.
     In July, Nazlije participated in meetings organized by the Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN) and its member organization Active Women of Gjakova, where she learned more about women’s rights to inheritance and property. During these meetings, activist Valbona Rizvanolli shared information that with the new Administrative Instruction on the Joint Registration of Property , couples can register their joint property free of charge throughout 2016.
     “These meetings inspired me to take the initiative to talk with my husband about registering our property in both of our names,” she said. “I began thinking that I need to register the property in my name since it is free. At first, my husband was not very happy and told me, ‘why do you need to register it?’ I told him that it is also mine, and after some discussions we agreed. With the help of KWN and the project, we went to the notary and also in the municipality.”
     Now, she and her husband are looking forward to receiving all of the final documentation.
     “Without the meetings and your help, I probably would never register the property,” she said.
     Further, knowing how important it is for women to own property, Nazlije has plans to ensure that her own daughters can realize their rights in the future.
     “Now, I will try to divide the property in the same way between my daughters and son,” she said.
   The Property Registration Project is being implemented by KWN and its member organizations with support from Swisscontact Promoting Private Sector Employment project funded by the Swiss Government. It aims at raising awareness about woman’s rights to immovable property and inheritance. KWN and its members are providing technical assistance to families in which women are seeking to register their property or claim their inheritance.
     KWN activists are working in Prishtina, Prizren, Gjakova, Peja and Mitrovica. If you or someone you know is seeking to register property or claim inheritance in women’s names, and you need assistance, please contact us at We will try our best to help!


     My house, my right.