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“We March, we do not Celebrate” Finds Great Support, this Year’s International Women’s Day calls for Strengthening Gender Equality  
KWN and KGSC Condemn Sexist Language of Kosovar Men MPs  
KWN Expresses Condolences for the Death of Leze Qena
“Drugëza” Educates High School Students about Property Rights for Women
SGG Calls for Specialized Services for Addressing Sexual Violence and Support for Survivors
Security and Gender Group Calls for Prevention of Domestic Violence amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Agency for Gender Equality and Government Pledge to Advance Gender Equality
Women’s Contribution to the Police Discussion, Seeking Greater Involvement
Serbian women gather to create better conditions to develop women’s entrepreneurship in Kllokot
EU, KWN Strong Allies in Promoting Gender Equality in Kosovo 

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