Kosovo Brief Gender Profile

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An Updated Summary to Inform the EU in Kosovo’s Country Level Implementation Plan 


The Gender Action Plan (GAP) III, “An Ambitious Agenda for Gender Equality and Women’s
Empowerment in EU External Action” 2021-2025, was adopted on 25 November 2020, as a Joint
Communication to the European Parliament and the Council and a Joint Staff Working Document
(SWD). The SWD includes a two-part monitoring framework on 1) EU institutional and strategic
objectives and indicators; and 2) objectives and indicators for thematic areas of engagement. Each EU
delegation must prepare a Country-level Implementation Plan (CLIP) to guide GAP III implementation,
based on gender analysis and consultations with key stakeholders. The CLIP must be aligned with the
multi-annual indicative programme (MIP), which in Kosovo relates to the Instrument for Pre-Accession
(IPA) III and its five funding windows.

The EU has a Kosovo Gender Analysis (2018), but some data has become outdated and it refers to
GAP II (2016-2020) objectives and indicators. This summary aims to provide updated gender analysis
to inform the EU in Kosovo’s drafting of its GAP III CLIP in alignment with the MIP, namely IPA III.

Thus, the gender analysis that follows includes sections focusing on each of the six “areas of
engagement” in GAP III, aligning them with the five IPA III sectors or “windows”. It
focuses on the main gender inequalities that exist in Kosovo. Based on this analysis, potential GAP III
objectives on which the EU could focus or already is focusing are suggested for the CLIP. The GAP III
objectives preliminarily proposed below aligne with the Kosovo Program for Gender Equality (KPGE)

Please click HERE to read and download the full summary.