During October, as breast cancer awareness month, SHE Wine, within the SHE for SHE project, organized a charity evening to help women suffering from this disease. SHE Wine, in collaboration with Kreativ Keramika, has collected funds for the Oncology Clinic.
The participants in the evening, institutional officials, representatives of NGOs, various embassies, businessmen, and other influencers in culture and society, have contributed towards this cause in two ways: by buying a bottle of “SHE Rose” wine or simply donating a lot of money according to their wishes. In an interview with the Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN), Malda Susuri, creative director of SHE for Wine, tells about the achieved results.
“Both we and our partner Kreativ Keramika are initially very satisfied with the number of participants (to tell you the truth, we did not expect that there would be so much interest and that so many people would come), as well as with donations resulting from this evening. However this is not a lot of contribution for those who suffer from the disease, we believe and hope that it will help those affected by breast cancer in Kosovo and ease their pain a little at this difficult stage of their lives. The collected funds will be delivered to the Oncology clinic, then they will decide how they will share them,” Susuri said.
The former president of Kosovo Atifete Jahjaga, the executive director of the Kosovo Women’s Network, Igballe Rogova and the oncologist Arben Bislimi gave a speech on the occasion.
Malda Susuri mendon se falë organizatave, projekteve, dhe kampanjave të ndryshme, është ngritur shumë informimi rreth kancerit te gjirit. Por, ka ende shumë punë për t’u bërë.
“Sa i përket ndërgjegjësimit apo vetëdijesimit të popullatës, mendoj se duhet punuar shumë për t’i shuar disa tabu qe ende fatkeqësisht janë të pranishme në shoqërinë tonë e të cilat kushtojnë me jetë. Për shembull, për fat të keq ende ka raste kur shume persona i konsiderojnë vizitat mjekësore si të turpshme apo ‘jo të ndershme’ për nje grua, dhe hezitojnë qe te vizitohen.”
Vizitat e hershme janë shumë të rëndësishme sepse mund te rezultojnë në zbulim të hershëm të kancerit të gjirit, i cili ka më shumë mundësi të shërimit sesa zbulimi i tij në një fazë më të vonshme.