WB CSOs Share Experiences Addressing Gender-based Discrimination

Diverse civil society organizations (CSOs) in the Western Balkans (WB) gathered online for an “Impact and Learning Forum” to share successes, challenges and ideas for the way forward in their joint efforts to address gender-based discrimination and further women’s labour rights.

Partner CSOs presented their work and achievements through illustrative videos, animations, poems, photographs and stories. These included examples of cases in which they helped women who had faced gender-based discrimination related to their labour rights.

For example, “One of the women we helped, in addition to being a victim of domestic violence, was also discriminated against in the workplace. After the help we offered, she was hired in a small shop and now she feels stronger to fight for her rights”, said Einxh Pepa from the Counselling Line for Women and Girls in Albania.

In the end, partners voted on the best visibility materials created, and the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro won an award of €500 for their short film and poem:

We expanded our fights

For equal rights,

We sought to preserve

What women deserve

We gave them support

Expect our report

Now, see our movie

It’s nice and groovy

Attention, please

Discrimination falls on knees

The partners’ joint Action is funded by the European Union and co-funded by Swedish Development Cooperation.