Women’s Center “ATO” Holds Lectures On Reproductive Health with Students

Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN) member organization, Women’s Center “ATO”, is continuing the implementation of the initiative “Reproductive health education”.

During November and December, this organization held two lectures with the students of the primary school “Lumëmadh” in Vushtrri and the primary school “Mustaf Shyti” in the Oshlan village. 40 students participating in these lectures received information about reproductive health education, personal hygiene, menstrual cycle, unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.

The lecturer, Mergime Jashari, psychologist, assessed this initiative as very useful for raising awareness of girls and boys about the importance of health education, sex education and sexual harassment.

“In rural areas, information on reproductive health is lacking and municipal institutions still do not have an agenda on this issue. Therefore, it is very useful to support such initiatives that contribute to the protection of public health” said Jashari.

The executive director of the organization, Fikrije Ferizi, announced that this organization will continue with similar lectures in other villages in the Municipality of Vushtrri such as: Smrekonica, Maxhunaj and Samadrexha.

This initiative is funded by the Austrian Development Agency and co-financed by the Swedish International Cooperation and Development Agency, through the Swedish Embassy in Prishtina, in the framework of KWN’s initiative “Further Advancement of Women’s Rights in Kosova II”.