The member organization of the Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN), Zensko Pravo (English: Women’s Rights), has held several activities thanks to the support received from the 15th round of the Kosovo Women’s Fund.
In the framework of the initiative “Prevention of violence against women in northern Kosovo”, the organization Zensko Pravo has organized a series of trainings and a round table on the Istanbul Convention
These trainings enabled the survivors to address the needs for reintegration into society directly to the institutions, thus creating an environment as acceptable to them as possible.

“We aim to contribute to the awareness of professionals in judicial, prosecutorial and police institutions working in cases of gender-based violence, on the need to implement the principles of the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Violence against Women and Violence in Families, now integrated in the Constitution,” said Ruzica Simic, Project Coordinator.
As part of this activity, draft agreements for cooperation with the court, the prosecution, the ombudsman and the police were also prepared, as part of the legal assistance that Zensko Pravo is providing to victims of gender-based violence.
On December 24, 2021, during a roundtable held in Mitrovica, participants were 15 officials of institutions working on cases of domestic violence and gender-based violence, as well as women who have experienced violence.
“Meetings like this affect the increase of cooperation and coordinated work between institutions and non-governmental organizations,” said the prosecutor for domestic violence cases, Natasa Tanic.
Furthermore, this organization has held a workshop with 15 officials on the role of non-governmental organizations working for women’s rights in the prevention and provision of specialized services for victims of gender-based and domestic violence. During this workshop, Simic, Project Coordinator, informed the participants about the work done by Zenkso Pravo over the years, providing free legal services to women victims of violence.
This initiative of Zensko Pravo is supported by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), through KWN’s “Further Advancement of Women’s Rights in Kosovo II” initiative, co-financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), through the Embassy of Sweden in Prishtina.