Today at Hotel Sirius: Action for Mothers and Children, a member organization of Kosova Women’s Network (KWN) in cooperation with UNFPA and World Health Organization (WHO), launched a project of a pilot-screening program of Cervical Cancer Screening. The program offers free PAP-tests in five family medicine centers in Prishtina Municipality, for women aged 25-50. The aim is to prevent cervical cancer through early detection, with a liquid-based cytology method that is proven to be an effective cancer detection. The model aims to expand within all the municipalities in Kosovo. The program will last until 30 November2016.
Various representatives from institutions and organizations participated in the launching event, and the panelists included: Dr. Izet Sadiku, Vice-Minister of Health; DR. Arben Vitija, from the Health Department, Municiplaity of Prishtina; DR. Curr Gjocaj from the University Clinical Centre of Kosovo; and Prof. Suzana Manxhuka-Kerliu, National Board for Cancer Screening. “If detected early, cervical cancer is one of the most successfully treatable cancers” – stated members of the panel.