For the third time in a row, Art Without Limit organized the only festival in the region dedicated to people with disabilities.
The creator of “Art Without Limit International Film Festival”, Ganimete Sava, in an interview for the Kosovo Women’s Network, talks about the echo that the festival has received.

“In this edition, over 1000 films have applied, but 50 short films have been selected from those. The movies have been made by successful directors and actors in the international arena, and some of whom have also worked and played in large films and series, such as; Game of Thrones, Gangs of London, Harry Potter, etc.”
The executive director of Art Without Limit is pleased that for three years now people with different abilities have a festival dedicated just for them.
“People with disabilities in Kosovo already have their own platform and address. Every year they get together and create new friendships with other people from the same community, not only Kosovar but also internationals; they watch wonderful films with motivational themes together with their families and friends,” she said.
“During our work, we, the staff, volunteers and colleagues have noticed that this community has welcomed this event that has been going on for three years now, and that a good opportunity is being created for them to come out of the shadows and into the light.”
The idea for such a festival first occurred to Ganimete Sava years ago, when she participated in a similar festival in Finland.
“Given that there are about 200,000 people with disabilities of various categories living in Kosovo, I came up with the idea that we should create such a festival here and through films they can find themselves to be motivated, inspired and bring awareness to other differently-abled people in Kosovo and beyond,” she says.

And her work has paid off. This year the documentary film “Sparks of Light”, whose producer is Ganimete Sava, won the “Best Documentary Film in the International Category” award at the 22nd edition of the International Film Festival Zimbabwe 2022. AWL intends to continue such activities and turn the festival into a traditional one.
“The plans of AWL are to continue with various artistic activities, also with the festival which has already reached international proportions, having in the jury big names of the film from Hollywood, Europe and Kosovo,” Sava says.