The member organisation of the Kosova Women’s Network (KWN), “Aureola” is continuing to contribute to the empowerment of women in politics.
This time, the beneficiaries of the activities of the initiative “Increasing women’s participation in decision-making” were the newly elected women assembly members of the Municipality of Podujeva, women municipal officials, and women active in civil society, who attended the training “Public Speaking”.
The Executive Director of Aureola, Sanije Grajcevci, thanked the participants for their interest, and KWN for their support.
“We are happy to have the opportunity to train you on this very important topic. We thank the Kosova Women’s Network that made this project possible, and the municipality of Podujeva that is giving space to support women“, she said.

The trainer Agron Krasniqi, said that communication is one of the main skills that adds value to an individual.
“You represent an institution, so you must be very careful about how you present yourself inside and outside municipal institutions, not only in verbal communication, but also non-verbal. You must always be prepared, because only in this way you can overcome fear”, emphasised Krasniqi.

Responsibility and stress must be managed well, so that the message clearly reaches the public, said the trainer Shqipe Halili – Spahiu.
“The main qualities of good speakers are to convince the public, to motivate, and to inform. Speaking in public is the number one marketing you can do to your work, of course, with the right facts”.

The Assembly member of the Municipality of Podujeva, Mrika Thaqi, said that this training helps their daily work.
“We have a great responsibility because we have to raise issues, react, and represent the citizens. Therefore, speaking in public is a daily component of our work, which today’s training treated brilliantly”, she said.

At the end of the training, participants had the opportunity to practice the acquired knowledge and receive advice from the trainers.

“Aureola” will continue to implement this initiative also in Kastriot, Vushtrri, Lipjan, Prishtina and Drenas, in order to empower women to be part of political and decision-making processes.
The activities of this initiative are funded by the European Union (EU) Office in Kosova, through the 15th round of the Kosova Women’s Fund.
KWN has supported its members in several activities to improve public appearances and communication skills. HERE you can read more about the training held with the member organization, the Organisation of Persons with Muscular Dystrophy of Kosova for communication capacity building.