The Kosova Women’s Network (KWN) member organisation, the Center for Promotion of Women’s Rights (CPWR) in Drenas, is continuing to implement the initiative “Psychosocial services for women who have experienced sexual violence during the war in Kosova”, beneficiary of the 15th round of the Kosova Women’s Fund (KWF).
As part of this initiative, CPWR is holding advocacy meetings for women’s rights to healthcare. The activity in line was the lecture with Dr. Vjosa Devaja, who spoke extensively about “Sexually Transmitted Infections”.
Participants were informed about various infections, their transmission, causes, symptoms, and appropriate treatment.
Devaja said there should be no taboos on treating sexually transmitted infections.
“Anyone can have these infections, so take care of yourselves by visiting a doctor immediately. Leaving them untreated causes other health complications, and in case of pregnancy, they are transmitted to the child”.

At the end of the lecture, she addressed the questions of the participants, survivors of sexual violence during the last war in Kosova, who expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to have accurate information about their health, and access to healthcare.

This initiative is funded by the Austrian Development Agency and co-financed by the Swedish International Cooperation and Development Agency, through the Swedish Embassy in Prishtina, in the framework of KWN’s initiative “Further Advancement of Women’s Rights in Kosova II”.
In September of this year, KWN announced the beneficiaries of this round of KWF, which continues to support initiatives that contribute to improving living conditions for women throughout Kosova.
All of these initiatives are directly contributing to the implementation of the KWN Strategy for 2019-2022, which was drafted together with KWN members.