Gruaja Hyjnore, a member organization of Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN), has given lectures to the high school students in the Municipality of Gjilan on addressing and reporting harassment. As part of the initiative “Sexual education as a subject in primary and secondary schools” beneficiary of the 15th round of the Kosovo Women’s Fund (KWF).
During March, the Project Manager in this organization, Qëndresa Hajdari gave two lectures, one in the Primary and Lower-Secondary School “Rexhep Elmazi” in Gjilan and the other in Primary and Lower-Secondary School “Deshmoret e Kombit” in Lower Livoç of Gjilan. She informed the students on the importance of reporting, she also pointed out that within the framework there were planned also informative meetings with parents, knowing their important role in combating this phenomenon and raising awareness of children.
“Sexual harassment continues to be part of our daily lives. Starting from verbal harassment in the streets, the dignity of a girl or woman begins to be violated, and when we talk about rape, then we are talking about the most serious act that should be addressed immediately to the competent authorities and treated very seriously,” he said Hajdari among others.
This activity and this initiative are supported by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), through the KWN initiative “Further Advancement of Women’s Rights in Kosovo II”, co-financed by the Swedish International Cooperation Agency and International Development (Sida), through the Swedish Embassy in Pristina.