Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN) member organizations are continuing their commitment to empowering the community of people with disabilities. In the wake of this effort, Blind Women of Kosova Committee (KGVK) held spatial learning and mobility training for 30 blind and visually impaired people.
Through these trainings, the participants were trained to perform their daily activities such as: using the white stick indoors and outdoors, overcoming obstacles, climbing stairs, opening the door, and others.
Trainer Shasime Xhaferi, thanking KWN for supporting these activities, said that the participants were very interested.
“I noticed love and willingness to learn how to use the white stick in both the theoretical and practical part of the training. Therefore, I tried to transmit my knowledge as best as possible to the participants “, she said.
Participant Betim Bregovina appreciates the knowledge gained in these trainings, and raises the need for more such activities.
“I did very well in training, but due to the ongoing challenges, I would like to have several months of training for us,” he said.

Even for the participant Mevlyde Emini the training was very useful.
“I am very pleased because our coach did her best to convey her knowledge as well as possible. Using the white stick is vital knowledge for us, and for our community it is an essential skill,” she said.
In addition to these trainings, the KGVK is working on audio-recording of the literature for the Psychology department at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Prishtina, and will advocate for these recordings to be included as official documents of this faculty.
KGVK is carrying out these activities thanks to the organizational support received from the 16th round of the Kosovo Women’s Fund, funded by the Sigrid Rausing Trust.