Today, we signed a contract with our member organization, EcoKosWomen, which will work towards strengthening the role of women in solving energy, food, and environmental crises.
EcoKosWomen’s initiative, “Putting Women at the Center of Climate Change Solutions”, will focus on promoting awareness of energy usage, with an emphasis on helping women adopt a gender-oriented approach to saving energy in their homes. With the grant amounting to €7,998, EkoKosWomen aims to employ a gender-focused strategy to address the energy, food, and environmental crises within a one-year timeframe.
On this occasion, the Executive Director of KRG, Igballe Rogova, praised the commitment of member organizations to advance the right causes, particularly in strengthening the role of women in society.
Magbule Hyseni, the Director of EcoKosWomen, highly appreciates the opportunities provided by KWN, not only today but also in the past. She stated that with the latest grant, they will do their best to raise women’s awareness as much as possible in the fields in which they work daily.

“They play a major role in the production of food on farms, as well as in its use and preparation for the family. The project will follow a gender approach, wherein women will be made aware of the use of local products in home kitchens, which will also address the food crisis. Moreover, concerning the environmental crisis, women are pivotal in environmental care, as they encourage a deeper connection between people and the environment.”
Further, EcoKosWomen plans to conduct a “Gender assessment of budget beneficiaries analysing the policies and expenditures of the Ministry of Environmental, Spatial Planning, and Infrastructure, towards proposing recommendations for improving the implementation of gender-responsive budgeting by this Ministry, in accordance with the requirements of the Law on Gender Equality in Kosovo. This initiative is part of the Gender Budget Watchdog Network’s action, supported by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).
In December of last year, EcoKosWomen received a special recognition from the National Consultative Commission for Human Rights in France. This recognition was given to Ms. Magbule Hyseni to encourage the quality and importance of the EcoKosWomen project, aimed at facilitating access to hygienic protection for women and girls, and promoting and protecting human rights and gender equality in general. KWN is proud to be continuing our cooperation with EcoKosWomen.