Through its “Building Peace” project, founding organization Medica mondiale, based in Germany, cooperated with its Kosovar partner, Medica Kosova, to organize a one week meeting of sister projects from Liberia, Afghanistan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
During a weeklong visit to Kosova, representatives of these countries, their German colleagues, and the ISIS European (International Security Information Service) representative met with KWN in Prishtina. The meeting aimed to introduce women’s rights activists from these countries. KWN also shared its experience of establishing the Network after the war, as well as efforts toward including all ethnic groups in KWN activities. KWN Executive Director Igballe Rogova welcomed the representatives from Liberia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Afghanistan. She emphasized the need for women’s will and strength in building powerful networks that prevent political influence from donors and extend beyond ethnic and religious boundaries.
Rogova offered examples from the Network’s work in carrying out advocacy campaigns and other activities. The participants were inspired and encouraged by KWN’s experiences.