KWN Releases Findings from First Kosova-wide Household Survey on Domestic Violence

The first in-depth inquiry into domestic violence in Kosova, entitled Security Begins at Home was released on 27 Nov. at the Grand Hotel in Prishtina. The Agency for Gender Equality in the Prime Minister’s Office of Kosova with support from the UNDP Women’s Safety and Security Initiative contracted KWN to write the report. The findings and recommendations will serve as a basis for the first Kosova National Action Plan and Strategy against Domestic Violence.

KWN employed a mixed method methodology that involved collecting statistics from relevant institutions;
reviewing relevant law, legislation and social services available; surveying 1,256 women and men of all ages and ethnic groups across Kosova; and surveying representatives of Kosovar institutions, relevant organizations and experts. The report chapters include:

  1. Citizens’ Perceptions about Domestic Violence: What is Abusive and in What Circumstances
  2. The Pervasiveness and Main Forms of Domestic Violence in Kosova
  3. The Consequences of Domestic Violence
  4. Citizens’ Response: The Methods Citizens Use and Propose for Ending Violence or Reducing Its Circumstances
  5. Social Constraints that Deprive Particular Demographic Groups in the Private and Public Spheres, Potentially Increasing Domestic Violence
  6. Legal and Institutional Gaps in Addressing Domestic Violence

The report includes recommendations for legal and legislative reform; the Kosova Police Service; Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare and Centres for Social Work; Ministry of Justice; Kosova Judicial Council; Ministry of Economy and Finance; Ministry of Health; and Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.