KWN Welcomes Dartmouth College Interns

During this summer, the Kosova Women’s Network (KWN) office welcomed a team of four students from Dartmouth College to analyze the results of and write a policy report about KWN’s national household survey on women’s access to healthcare. As the four of them have learned through the summer, Megan Mishra, Kristen Delwiche, Morgan Sandhu, and Apoorva Dixit are very different people. They all attend Dartmouth College north of New York in the U.S., but they study in different fields, Apoorva studies Anthropology, Megan studies Economics and Philosophy, Morgan studies Government, and Kristen studies Medicine. They have different personalities and work habits. Apoorva is the big picture-oriented contrarian, Megan is the detail-oriented planner, Morgan is a goal-oriented negotiator, and Kristen is a food-oriented statistician. After living together, working together, and traveling together, it’s tough not learn about all their differences. “Despite all the time we spend together, or maybe because of it, we make a good team, said Apoorva.  “We are all here because global health policy is an exciting field to be in right now, especially in a young country like Kosovo.” 
      They consider that there is so much potential in Kosovo, and they are excited to work alongside the women at KWN and many other Kosovars they have met this summer who are striving to make the healthcare system more efficient, more patient-oriented, and more equal. It has been a huge learning experience for them, learning about everything from statistics to healthcare to Albanian driving and food. They’ve gotten a chance to hike, road trip, and swim, as they expressed, in one of the most beautiful parts of the world, and while there have also been several challenges and long days at work, it’s been a rewarding experience. 
         As their internship is coming to an end, they are very excited to share the findings and see how their hard work and commitment together with KWN will impact Kosovo’s healthcare system through the final report.