Today, representatives of the Directorate of Health and Social Welfare, directors of hospitals, doctors, sociologists, psychologists, health workers, representatives of NGOs dealing with health, civil society and citizens of the Municipality of Gjilan gathered to discuss the importance of the Center for Women’s Welfare located near the Gjilan Regional Hospital.

Dr. Mevlyde Iliazi, gynecologist, presented the project and the results of the field visits, showing the statistics on current health condition of women and their concerns.
During 6 months of project implementation, Gruaja Hyjnore held informational meetings with relevant departments of the Municipality of Gjilan, information sessions with girls, mothers and pregnant women. They also held awareness-raising workshops in Gjilan, especially in the rural parts of the municipality of Gjilan, such as: Lladovo, Llashtica, Perlepnica, Malisheva, Velekinca, Ponesh, Zhegoc, Bresalc, Cernica, Vrapqiq, Zheger, Kmetoc.

“We have held 8 workshops in order to raise the awareness of girls, women, and pregnant mothers about the importance of health care. We focused on gynecological care, prevention of STDs, awareness of menstrual disorders and other health issues in general, with a special focus on care for first-time pregnant women and new mothers, postpartum depression and tips for raising your first child.” said Qëndresa Hajdari, Project Coordinator.
The member organization of the Kosovo Women’s Network, Gruaja Hyjnore held this meeting in the framework of the initiative “Awareness of girls and women about reproductive health”
This initiative is supported by the Kosovo Women’s Fund (KWF) and is funded by UN Women.