A meeting was held on 26 Jan. in Prishtina as part of the continuing discussions with municipal officials on re-drafting the new curriculum on gender equality for the Kosovar Institue of Public Administartion (KIPA).
Officials from the Municipality of Prishtina participated, including: the Municipal Directorate of Geodesy, Infrastructure, Office of Communities and Returns, Inspectorate, representatives from KIPA, and theAgency for Gender Equality (AGE).
Officials expressed their desire that the new curriculum include additional training on gender responsive budgeting, practical examples of the integration of a gender perspective in procurement, tendering and infrastructure.
Meetings already have been held with municipal officials from Gjakova, Drenas, Skenderaj, Decan, Peja, Mamusha and Rahovec. Another meeting is planned with municipalities in the north, as well as with central level institutions, respectively. The information gathered during meetings, including the priorities of civil servants, will be considered in developing the new curricula on gender equality.
The meetings are being organized through a collaborative effort involving AGE, KIPA, KWN and Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), with funding by GIZ.