“Zahir Pajaziti” Square in Pristina became a meeting point for the demonstration “We March, We Don’t Celebrate”,; the sixth annual protest demanding social justice and gender equality to mark International Women’s Day.
Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN) once again joined this march that also occurred in 14 other municipalities around Kosovo. Citizens raised their voices to protest injustices against women and hung banners bearing feminist messages on their balconies.

Hundreds of citizens marched from “Zahir Pajaziti” Square, passing by Central Bank of Kosovo and then to the Government of Kosovo/Parliament. Protestors made sure to wear masks and follow social distancing protocols.
“Patriarchy kills”, “With or without veil, I get the job done”, were some of the slogans chanted by protestors. They urged society to mobilize together against injustice and exploitation of women at work, against the oppressive patriarchal system, the continued cases of femicide, and against all forms of injustice faced by women and girls.
Throughout the event, the activists sang the song “Behari i lirisë”, the lyrics of which were adapted by Eli Krasniqi. This song echoed the voice of hope, unity and collective resistance.

Click HERE to watch full broadcast of this march.