The National Action Plan, Gender Equality Law, Anti-discrimination Law and Family Law, all promulgated in 2003 and 2004, are huge accomplishments for gender equality. They facilitate the promotion and protection of human rights in Kosova. However, social problems such as violence against women, trafficking for prostitution, low enrollment of girls in schools and at the University, a high female poverty rate, gender discrimination in the business world, and lack of female representation in politics still plague Kosova.
While gender mechanisms exist at the political level, many men and women remain unaware of their rights, how to access the protection provided by the new laws, or how to utilize the services of the Ombudsperson. Thus, implementing the laws and fully realizing the potential for social change remain difficult.
The KWN “Know Your Rights” campaign aimed to inform citizens about their rights and existing gender mechanisms through artistic plays. Five famous Kosovar performers gathered to tell stories that explained the aforementioned gender mechanisms. Performers utilized popular media including plays and songs as education tools in hopes of better reaching Kosovar citizens. The actors used monologues and dialogues to interact directly with the audience and to draw the audience into their act. Dialogues between actors dramatized women’s experiences, portraying situations in which gender mechanisms could be used. The plays were based on women’s real life experiences.
The campaign was launched on November 29 in Prishtina, marking the International Day against Violence against Women. The performance was repeated in Prizren on December 2nd and in Mitrovica on December 3rd. The campaign continued in 2005, reaching municipalities throughout Kosova. It was financially supported by UNIFEM, and RTV 21 was the media sponsor.