Active Women of Gjakova, with the initiative “Development of a sustainable inter-institutional system for addressing gender-based violence and domestic violence in the municipality of Gjakova”, held informational sessions to raise awareness about the concrete interventions and clear initiatives that should be taken to combat gender based and domestic violence. This would best be achieved through the effective functioning of Coordination Mechanisms.
Regular activities and meetings started in November and lasted until March. AWGj managed to raise awareness among 356 women and 241 men, totalling 597 beneficiaries, on how to combact gender-based violence in Gjakova.
This was achieved by acknowledging the availibility of the main actors of the mechanism, as well as the promotion of the initiative to help the victims of domestic violence.
The main beneficiaries of this project were women who have experienced domestic violence and their relatives in the municipality of Gjakova, as well as villages with minority communities such as: Skivjan, Planqor, B.Bokës, Duzhnje, Damjan 1 dhe 2, Dujakë, Bec, Dol, Orize, Ponoshec, Koronicë, Gropishtë, Piskotë, Brekoc, Koloni, and Gropishtë.
This initiative affacted on inter-institutional cooperation for women or other members/victims of domestic violence. Meanwhile, had a great impact on prevention, as well as on responding immediately to cases that have just occurred in order to reduce the consequences.
AWGj drafted this initiative with numerous activities that can directly affect the prevention of domestic violence, such as:
- Providing information sessions for primary and secondary school students regarding domestic violence and the role of the Coordination Mechanism;
- Providing multi-disciplinary services through case management meetings;
- Providing direct emergency support for cases of domestic violence and reporting to the police and Center for Social Work in Gjakova;
- Awareness promotion within the International Campaign of 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence and Domestic Violence;
- Providing information sessions for primary and secondary school students regarding domestic violence and the role of the Coordination Mechanism;
- Medial promotion on Radio Gjakova on the topic of gender equality and domestic violence.
Excecutive director of AWGj, Valbona Rizvanolli, highlighted the importance of the Coordination Mechanism against domestic violence.

“Given the number of cases submitted for assistance in recent years, as well as the experience of the operation of this mechanism, the need to increase its effectiveness is becoming more and more apparent. With the right resources, the situation can be improved much faster than how the responsible institutions are currently handling domestic violence cases, based on the existing legislation in Kosovo.” said Rizvanolli.
It has also increased the effectiveness of addressing and institutional response of the Coordination Mechanism against domestic violence, through the revitalization and monitoring of the functioning of this structure. Through the activities of this initiative, the revitalization, improvement and strengthening of the institutional capacities of the Coordination Mechanism in order to provide the adequate protection and quality services for the survivors of gender-based violence and domestic violence were achieved.
This initative is supported by Kosovo Women’s Fund and financed by Austrian Development Agency (ADA).