Here’s what happened. In the morning, KWN members heard the conclusions and recommendations of the Gender Study in Kosovo, which examined the implementation of the Law on Gender Equality and Kosovo Program for Gender Equality to date. Undertaken by two independent experts in Nov.-Dec. 2012, the study was funded by the Swedish International Development Agency(Sida) to inform its future strategy in Kosovo and the region.
Following the presentation, KWN members had the opportunity to comment on the findings and discuss the challenges faced by women-led organizations with Sida representatives Maria Melbing and Visare Gashi-Gorani. KWN members raised concerns regarding their access to funding and the recent tendency of donors to provide funding through the government. KWN members discussed how this might impact their independence and ability to hold government officials accountable.
In the end, Ms. Maria Melbing voiced Sida’s commitment to continuing its support to civil society and to furthering gender equality in Kosovo. However, she said that Sida continues to discuss the mechanisms through which such support will be provided as part of its strategic planning process.
In the afternoon, Igballe Rogova, KWN Executive Director, notified members of a Public Hearing that will take place on Jun. 12 regarding the amendment of the draft law for the status and rights of martyrs, invalids, veterans, members of the Kosova Liberation Army and civilian victims of war and their families. KWN members were encouraged to participate in this session where activists hope to amend the law to include women who suffered sexual violence during the war.
Members also were invited to join the KWN retreat to Durrës, Albania on 3-6 October, supported by KtK.
Naxhije Buçinca, a founder of the Foundation for the Education of Girls “Çifti Buçinca”, explained this new Foundation, which aims to further girls’ education. They raised €24,000 during a Gala Event, which will go towards girls’ education. This included a €1,000 donation from KWN.
Zana Hoxha-Krasniqi, Executive Director of Artpolis shared information about its First Festival for Human Rights “Femmes Fatales” where women artists from the region showcased their work.
Belgjyzare Muharremi, from Dera e Hapur (Open Door), informed KWN members about the handmade products fair on Prishtina Day, Jun. 11.
Drita Vukshinaj from the Association of Women with Disabilities Women for Womenpresented the magazine Gruaja në Fokus (Women in Focus), published in close cooperation with the Gender Equality Officer of the Municipality of Prizren and other women-led NGOs. She also announced that the Association of Artisans would organize a fair on Jun. 16, the Day of Prizren.
Actress Anisa Ismajli presented the Kosovar Gender Studies Centre (KGSC) and Multimedia project being organized in high schools around Kosova. Actors aim to raise awareness among young people through short sketches related to healthcare, gender equality and sexuality. Three actors enacted two short sketches about violence in teen relationships and insufficient communication within the family.
Emilija Dimoska, a representative from KtK in Macedonia requested KWN’s support in rejecting the proposed amendment to the law on abortion in Macedonian. KWN members agreed that KWN should react and support women’s free choice on this issue.
Approximately 60 members, staff and supporters participated in KWN’s bimonthly meeting on Jun. 7.