Today, the Kosova Women’s Network (KWN) announced grant awards of the Kosova Women’s Fund’s (KWF’s) 16th grant round. For the first time, it will provide core support to eight KWN member organisations committed to furthering women’s rights and gender equality in Kosovo by Sigrid Rausing Trust, in the amount of €79,740.
The grants given for core support will directly contribute to implementing the current KWN Strategy for 2019-2022, established by KWN members to address together the main gender inequalities that they identified in Kosovo.
KWF 16th round grant beneficiaries supported include:
- Blind Women of Kosova Committee – €10,000.00
- In Time – €10,000.00
- Lawyers Association Norma – €9,998.00
- Moravski Biser – €9,762.00
- NGO “Drugëza” – €9,993.00
- NGO “Gruaja Hyjnore – €9,998.00
- NGO “Me dorë në zemër” – €9,999.00
- Women’s Alliance for Integration – €9,990.00

KWN’s KWF provides small grants to women’s organizations that do not have access to other sources of funding and who seek to work for women’s rights and gender equality, prioritising funding for groups working in rural areas and/or marginalized persons. Since 2012, KWF has allocated 224 grants, supporting 111 organizations, with a total amount of €1,200,519.
In addition to Sigrid Rausing Trust, in 2021, KWF also receives support from the European Union Office in Kosova, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Austrian Development Agency, and the United Nations Population Fund in Kosovo.