More than 50 members of Kosovo Lobby for Gender Equality (KLGE) gathered for its second meeting in 2019, which was held today, on 22 November.
The meeting started with a discussion about the October 6th Parliamentary Elections. The discussion was generally positive since women won a large number of seats without the gender quota. Participants also discussed the success of KWN’s “Vote for more women in Parliament”, campaign, which took place September 25-29 and was supported by the European Union (EU) Office in Kosovo.
“Early Parliamentary Elections brought to us an extraordinary big win, 26 women won without gender quota, and for this we have to thank each of you, because every one of you was engaged in strengthening and supporting women. This year was the year of solidarity”, remarked Igballe Rogova, Executive Director of Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN).
KLGE members from Vitia, Peja, Vushtrria, Dragash, Novobërda, Gjilan, and Obiliq shared their experiences from the campaign.. They discussed the feedback they received from citizens during their door-do-door visits, including the willingness of men to vote for more women in Parliament.

Arijeta Skeraj, assembly member from Dragash, spoke of the solidarity among women, emphasizing even though Luljeta Berisha and I belong to different parties, I lobbied for her and we have always supported each-other”.
Shemsije Seferi, CSO Alma Pejë also appreciated the achievements of the campaign.
“Lobbying for women was so appropriate that all competing parties came to cooperate with us. All of them were eager to know about our campaign”, she said.
The lack of implementation of Law on Gender Equality (LGE), by institutions as well as by political parties, was also part of this joint-discussion. The lawsuit by the Ombudsperson Institution in Kosovo against the Central Election Commission of Kosovo is seen as motivation for parties to implement the law.
Selvie Rexhepi, deputy-mayor of Kllokot Municipality, greeted participants with the poem “A true friend”.

Lobby is with you, when life takes you down,
It is with you when fate abandons you,
Lobby is with you when your legs can’t walk,
They are all with you when your soul is shedding tears,
Lobby is with you when hopes are dashed,
Lobby is with you when dreams are ending,
It is still with you, when you find the courage,
Lobby is with you when you are seeking salvation,
Lobby is with you when you already won,
It is always with you, so do not stop moving,
Because you deserve it!
Participants had the opportunity to contribute to girls’ education by buying the book “The Journal of a Kosovar Woman” by activist Sevdije Ahmeti.
At the end of this meeting it was announced that the KWN Membership Annual Meeting will take place on 7 December 2019.
The KLGE meeting was supported by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA).
Click HERE for the article about KLGE’s first meeting of 2019.
Click HERE to see pictures from the event.