KWN contributes with recommendations to public consultations about ERA

Prishtina – Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN) on 24 April participated in public consultations with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) hosted by the Ministry of European Integration (MEI) for informing on the priorities due to the implementation of the European Reform Agenda (ERA) II, as well as the determining of further cooperation.  

Regarding the good governance and rule of law, KWN recommended continued Government’s support to the establishing and operationalization of a secure inter-institutional data management system and the system which manages cases, including here disaggregated data by gender by institutions such as Courts, Prosecution and Police. KWN also mentioned the importance of compiling a gender analysis prior to implementing action measures or policies to combat economic informality, and also underlined the importance of further investment in pre-school institutions, with a particular focus on rural areas.  

Ricardo Serri, Deputy Chief of the European Union Office (EU) in Kosovo, expressed gratitude to civil society participants for their contribution and further added that among the new additional of ERA II are the incorporation of human rights as well as environmental reforms. He added that ERA’s objectives align Kosovo with the EU.  

Both of the representatives of MEI and of the EU Office highly appreciated the KWN contribution through specific recommendations during the phase of public consultation. 

MEI announced that this is the first of the consultations planned with civil society in the framework of drafting the ERA Action Plan.