On May 21 in Prizren, Organization of Persons with Muscular Dystrophy of Kosovo (OPDMK) marked the Week of Muscular Dystrophy 2021 with the message “I am not Invisible”.
To mark this event, 42 rose saplings were planted in Marash Park, as a symbol for the deputies of the Assembly of Kosovo, as well as a fir tree sapling in honor of the President of Kosovo.
In order to raise public awareness about people with disabilities and their needs, the installation “I am not invisible” has been placed in Ura e Gurit (Eng. the Stone Bridge) in Prizren, and awareness messages have been placed in the main square, which will remain there. a week.
Antigona Shestan, Executive Director of OPDMK spoke about the importance of including women with disabilities in politics and decisionmaking processes.
“I am not invisible”, aims to raise public awareness of the rights and opportunities, but also of the problems faced especially by women with progressive neuromuscular diseases “, she said.
Further, Igballe Rogova, Executive Director of the Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN), among other things, said that she has always been proud of the work and activities undertaken by OPDMK, as a member organization of KWN.

OPDMK has had so many activities and so much work and courage, that when we made the campaign “Vote for more women in parliament”, and when they took to the streets of Prizren in carts to distribute brochures, this was a sign “no one can stop the will of this organization and all its members”, said Rogova.
Whereas, Resmije Rahmani, Mobilizer within the initiative “Empowerment of Women Participation in Politics”, hopes that women in politics will be by their side.
“This is a good step for all of you to support us in our mission. “Today we will plant 42 roses and we hope that in the local elections to vote as many women as possible, I am appealing to you to vote as many women as possible, and why not have a representative of women with disabilities”, he said Rahmani in front of those present.
Further, the participant Pranvera Musaj said that the motto “I am not invisible”, says everything that needs to be said.
“Because most of the time we are considered as an invisible part of society, or at least that is how we feel with all the barriers and shortcomings that we constantly encounter during our daily engagements”, says Musaj, while explaining the meaning of this motto.

Part of this activity was also the Deputy Prime Minister, Emilia Rexhepi, as well as the MP Drita Millaku.
This activity was realized in the framework of the initiative “Strengthening Women’s Participation in Politics”, supported by the European Union (EU) Office in Kosovo.
Read HERE for last year’s Muscular Dystrophy Week note.