Register now your property as co-owner or sole owner!

     Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN), with support from PPSE Swiss Contact has been implementing My House My Right project since May 2016. The project aims at the provision of legal and financial aid for registering the immovable property in the name of women as single owners or co-owners.
     Until now, KWN provided its assistance to 106 cases of property registration. Such was the case of the couple – Fatime and Jahir Limaj, parents of three children. Fatime and Jahir are engaged in agricultural activities, mainly in planting vegetables at a parcel near their house. Then they sell their products in the mobile market in Prishtina.
     Several years ago, the couple purchased a land plot from a close relative of theirs, but they never undertook any action to register it as their own property. To carry out their agricultural activity, the Limajs decided to apply for grants. Unfortunately, they never got any because every time they applied, their land had to be registered in their name. In Kosovo, there are many such cases that are a victim to mentality, which over the course of the years has turned into normality. As a result, this situation made it impossible for them to use their land  as their property.
     Arta Shushka, field coordinator of this project, visited the Limajs to inform them closely about the opportunities and procedures to be followed to have their property registered.
     "I met with them and informed them about their rights. I told them about the administrative instruction which reads that the registration of property in name of two spouses is made free of administrative charges", Arta said.
     Immediately after this meeting, Limaj couple together with Arta visited the Cadastral Offices in the Municipality of Malisheva to initiate the necessary proceedings. They have now registered their land as their joint property. 
     "We are very happy because it is the first time we feel that the land plot belongs to us. I hope that the Ministry of Agriculture and the Municipality will support us through grants so that we develop our agricultural activity which we use to support our living and to pay for the education of our children", Fatime and Jahir Limaj said.
     To benefit from free aid in order to register your property in your name, as co-owner or sole owner, write to us at: or call us at: +381(0)38 245 850.
     My house, my right!