While several laws and institutional mechanisms to increase women’s participation in politics and decision-making are in place, their implementation remains problematic. Despite improvements resulting from KWN’s, among others’, engagement, gender still has not been mainstreamed sufficiently within several Kosovo laws, policies, government programs and the EU Accession process. Women remain insufficiently represented in politics and decision-making at local and central levels.

KWN’s Strategy
The long-term goal of this program is for women to participate actively in politics and decision-making at the local and central level.
Objectives include:
- Increase and improve women’s participation in politics and decision-making at local and central levels, in accordance with the Law on Gender Equality.
- Improve the institutionalization of gender responsive budgeting in Kosovo.
- Improve and increase the participation of women’s rights organizations in the EU Accession process.
- Improve gender mainstreaming in documents affiliated with Kosovo’s EU Accession and their implementation.
- Improve implementation of the EU Gender Action Plan (GAP) II.
- Improve the design of GAP III, based on lessons learned from GAP II.
- Improve the transposition of the EU Gender Equality Acquis into Kosovo Law.