The National Council on Survivors of Sexual Violence during the War held a meeting to prepare an awareness campaign regarding the new legal framework that exists to support survivors of sexual violence perpetrated during the war. This Council was created by the President of the Republic of Kosovo, on 7 Mar. 2014 to respond to concerns raised by women who had experienced sexual violence. The main purpose of the Council is to serve all people who suffered sexual violence, regardless of their gender, as foreseen by Law Nr. 04/L-054For Status and the Rights of Status and the Rights of Martyrs, Invalids, Veterans, Member of Kosova Liberation Army, Persons Raped during the War and their Families. Participants in this meeting included members of the Council, members of governmental institutions, NGOs including KWN, representatives of international organizations and diplomats.
This meeting was held in order to continue work towards implementing concrete commitments for drafting strategy for an awareness campaign that will be organized by the Council.
This campaign includes the documentary “Three Windows and a Hanging”, directed by Isa Qosaj. It aims to combat stigmas against persons who suffered sexual violence, as well as to inform citizens about the process of verification and recognition of sexual violence during the war. The Lobby for Gender Equalitywill contribute to this campaign by screening the movie in all municipalities where the Lobby’s members are active.
Raising awareness was considered a key objective for ensuring social and institutional support for survivors of sexual violence perpetrated during the war. It is important for supporting the process of fulfilling their rights, as foreseen by the Constitution of Republic of Kosovo.
KWN has been very active in this process, including as part of the working group finalizing the procedures for verification and recognition, as well as in organizing the awareness campaign.