New Mobile App to Report Sexual Harassment

 In February, KWN will launch a report on sexual harassment in Kosovo, with findings from research conducted in 2015. Beyond discussing the extent of the problem of sexual harassment in Kosovo, KWN hopes to put forth concrete ways in which people can combat sexual harassment. In order to create a space for reporting sexual harassment, KWN in collaboration with Girls Coding Kosovo (GCK) and Open Data Kosovo (ODK) have started designing a mobile application called “Ec Shlirë”(Walk Freely)that will be used for this purpose. 
     The idea to create such an application came after the campaign “Take back the night”, organized by KWN in Nov. 2014, as well as based on study of similar applications used in the U.S. and Palestine. 
     To build this free, open source mobile app, young women are taking part in a nine-day workshop, gaining basic knowledge in PhoneGap, Backbone.js, Handlbars.js, jQuery, Bootstrap, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Bower and Grunt. 
    Beyond establishing a useful application that seeks to transform social  norms and inform public policies towards decreasing sexual harassment, this initiative also seeks to build bridges between young women in  Information and communications technology (ICT) and activists, using technology for social change. Additionally, the workshops will provide young women with skills that they can use in their careers. Traditionally women are under-represented in the ICT sector. Such workshops provided by experts at GCK and ODK seek to provide young women with support in achieving their career goals, while simultaneously contributing to social change. 
    On 23-24 Jan., KWN, GCK and ODK co-organized the first workshop towards developing this app. Participants included 30 young women selected from a total of 170 applicants. On the first day participants interacted with KWN activists, identifying priorities for consideration in the design of the app. 
     Participants that attend at least 80% the training will be awarded with certificates and will additionally be offered internship opportunities.      This initiative is being supported by the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives, USAID Kosovo, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare and RIT Kosovo. Workshops will continue through February with the official launching of the app planned for 25 Feb.