Handikos Mitrovica holds meetings with its member regarding vocational skills and personnel capacity building for persons with disabilities. “Implementation of the Law on Employment and Vocational Training for Persons with Disabilities” was the subject of these debates held by Handikos Mitrovica, member organization of Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN), to discuss opportunities and challenges for employment of people with disabilities.
Myrvete Hasani, Director of Handikos Mitrovica, talked about the barriers that people with disabilities generally face, with a particular emphasis on employment.
“These obstacles are causing problems in employment of people with disabilities, making it difficult to have access in the labor market, so through this project we are aim to train young people in adapting their strengths to the demands of employers”, Hasan said.
Within this initiative Handikos Mitrovica held two five-days-workshops with two different groups of members of the organization. Topics covered during these trainings were related to the forms of communication and presentation, writing a CV and Cover Letter, as well as about preparing for job interviews. These topics were addressed by Mr. Erzen Isufi, external expert.
On 13 February, Handikos Mitrovica organized a debate to discuss the legislative aspects that regulate the employment of people with disabilities were also discussed, identifying the points at which relevant institutions could contribute more, as well as the benefits for employers in the hiring of people with disabilities.

Leonita Sadiku, a student at the University of Mitrovica “Isa Boletini”, shared her experience of employment discrimination. Sadiku said that despite the difficulties, she won’t give up until she finds a job, adding that such activities inspire her.
During the six months of the project implication, Handikos Mitrovica gathered the following recommendations:
- Developing and updating of the existing Handikos Mitrovica database which would assist potential donors in identifying beneficiaries,
- Monitoring businesses and institutions by labor inspectors regarding the implementation of the existing Law,
- Providing advocacy in private businesses and their awareness of existing legislation guaranteeing the right to employment.
Throughout the month of June, as a closing activity of the project, in the offices of Handikos Mitrovica were organized screening nights with young people and members in order to raise awareness of some of the success stories of people coming from marginalized groups as well as drawing useful conclusions from the debate held after each film.
This initiative is supported by the Kosovo Women’s Fund (KWF) and funded by UN Women.