KWN Participates in Workshop Reviewing Human Rights Draft Laws

 On 12, 13, and 14 Nov., representatives from civil society, international organizations and legal gathered for a very important workshop in Peja: to review three human rights-related draft laws. This included the draft law on protection against discrimination, the Law on Gender Equality and the Law on the Ombudsperson. Donjeta Morina represented KWN’s consolidated comments at the meeting.
     Among the comments, KWN requested that gender equality officers in ministries and municipalities be placed at the highest decision-making level (and not within human resource departments). This is important so that they can mainstream gender in all policies, plans, programs, budgets and work of the institutions in which they serve (which is not possible from a human resource position).
    Second, KWN called for the Law on Gender Equality to more clearly set forth mechanisms for reporting violations of the law and more stringent sanctions for violations of the law. At present, the Law offers little benefit or compensation to persons seeking to report gender-based discrimination. The lack of teeth for    enforcement in the current Law has been noted as a potential hindrance to its implementation.     Third, KWN requested that the Law include proper definitions of the terms women/female and men/male. The definitions of the former (socially-determined gender roles) and latter (biological sex) were frequently confused within the Law. KWN also recommended clarifying terminology relating to transgender persons, gender identity, gender and biological sex. The other laws also had issues with phrasing from a gender perspective. For example, the ombudsperson was frequently referred to as “Ombudsman” and “he”. Participants requested that these mistakes be corrected.
“Reviewing these three draft laws together is very important,” said Besim M. Kajtazi, Director of the Legal Office in the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, who moderated the first two days of the workshop. “These three laws represent one single package for Human Rights. The quality of this package is very important, especially since it’s one of the criteria set by the EU for visa liberalization.”     On the second day, participants discussed the draft Law on Gender Equality. The third day was moderated by Mr. Baki Gimolli, acting director of the legal department within the Ministry of Justice.
    Each law was reviewed article by article. Most recommendations that were given, when collectively agreed upon, were integrated into the draft law immediately.

“It is great that our comments are being seriously integrated in some of the draft laws. This gives us hope for the future and more sustainable cooperation between government institutions and civil society,” said Ardiana Osmani, a representative from CiviKos.
Whether all comments will be incorporated remains to be seen.