Women’s Association “Aureola” was established in 1995 to support and raise awareness of women and girls for self-organization in order to overcome difficult economic, social and political situations that prevailed at that period of time.
Nowadays, after more than two decades, Sanije Grajçevci, Executive Director of “Aureola”, reveals these and other activities of the association, as well as challenges faced by the organization.
Presently “Aureola” through the program for women’s economic empowerment established the Social Enterprise “Aureola”, in order to increase the participation of women in society and to achieve sustainability of the organization by offering paid services (design, textile and tailoring courses).
“We are not as a private business where all it matters is the profit, for us social impact is very important, as it is important to increase the number of employed women and increasing their access to labor. The goal is that through this Social Enterprise to increase women’s employment, and to create stability for the organization“, said Grajçevci.
She continues saying that despite her wishes, currently, they cannot offer free courses, even that there are such requests.
“If somebody supports us, we can also offer free courses to women. We are empowering some women whom no one has ever considered before, including here the engagement of unemployed women and those facing social challenges“, she says.
Grajçevci mentioned the need for volunteers in the organization, as a very important part of the support.
“We need volunteers, yet we need them, especially in the field of technology, in that way we would have better marketing for our work”, she added.
Grajçevci said that during this process they have learned that tailoring courses increase women’s employment/self-employment, as well as boost their self-confidence.
“You are invited to become part of this action to increase the professional skills of women and also their employment rate. Only united we will achieve our goals. Give love, gratitude, and power to the woman”, is Grajçevci’s message to all supporters of this cause.
So far, “Aureola” implemented its program through projects supported mainly from international donors. Kosovo Women’s Fund (KWF) of Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN) has also contributed to Aureola’s work by supporting two initiatives: “Advancement of inheritance law”, and “Women’s advocacy for their right to property and inheritance”.
All this way “Aureola” has employed 7 women and has managed to professionally train 60 women in tailoring field (mostly 18-50 years old).