Terms of Reference for an Individual or Company for Updating and Modifying the KWN Website


The Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN) is a non-governmental, not-for-profit organization with a mission to support, protect and promote the rights and interests of women and girls throughout Kosovo, regardless of their political beliefs, religion, age, level of education, sexual orientation, and ability. As a network of 139 members, women-led organizations of various ethnicities located throughout Kosovo, these groups carry out important initiatives towards furthering women’s human rights, as per the goals set in KWN’s Strategy for 2023-2026. The purpose of this terms of reference (TOR) is to outline the changes and modifications required for the website of the Kosovo Women’s Network (www.womensnetwork.org).

Background and Justification

The current KWN website requires improvements in terms of design, functionality, and content. The website should be more mobile user-friendly and updated to reflect the current work of the organization. Therefore, KWN has decided to update the website to better represent its current programs, particularly related to its new Strategy, as well as to better showcase its past achievements. This TOR outlines the modifications requested for the KWN website.

The website is one of the main tools where we promote our work, our research reports and advocacy pertaining to gender equality. Through web-page we inform women and girls on ways to report Gender Based Violence (GBV). Advocacy letters, reactions when a case of GBV has not been treated accordingly by institutions, calls for action in cases of GBV are all promoted through our website, thus demanding a user-friendly website, that ensures better reach and engagement of Kosovar citizens.  


The updated website should reflect the following objectives:

  • To improve the user experience by making the website more user-friendly and intuitive.
  • To improve content to reflect the current Strategy, work and achievements.
  • To increase visibility and reach by optimizing the website for search engines.
  • To improve the responsiveness of the website and ensure a mobile-friendly experience, including improving access by different types of devices.


  1. The selected individual/company will be responsible for not only updating and modifying the KWN website but also ensuring a complete overhaul of its functionality and user experience, and ensuring optimal website performance with increased bandwidth for faster loading speeds.
  2. The selected service provider will commit to providing website hosting and maintenance services for a period of three years following the completion of the redesign of the website (with the annual cost to be included in the financial offer).
  3. Provide ongoing mentoring to support KWN staff in making changes to the website, if needed, totaling up to two days total per year for each year during the entire contract.

Further, the following specific tasks and deliverables should be undertaken:

  • Make the website more mobile friendly, particularly ensuring that photos appear in good quality on mobile devices
  • Clearly showcase KWN work on gender-based violence.
  • Include a section on how to access assistance for gender-based violence with laws and contact information of key institutions that is easily navigable and understandable, using text provided by KWN.
  • Change and/or move different tabs
  • Add a new section „Women’s History” under resources
  • Change of “Support Women’s right” photo and provide KWN with the capability to make these changes in the future (format of the photos)
  • Reorganize supporters & partners in alphabetical order as a list
  • Reorganize research/reports section and ensure automatic formatting of text
  • Make updates to the application for membership, based on KWN’s specific instructions
  • Update the volunteer’s section by providing a registration form
  • Ensure all forms are linked to KWN’s email, info@womensnetwork.org, so KWN receives automatic notifications of forms and can download data into excel file form.
  • Reorganize the presentation of information to include success stories under the Kosovo Women’s Fund
  • Update KWN materials section under Donate, adding more new products and better organizing the section and its visibility
  • Ensure that KWN staff can make future changes to all aspects of the website including photos and text independently. The website should allow KWN staff to make updates and changes swiftly without delays.
  • The website must function quickly, ensuring fast loading times for users.
  • When uploading photos to the website, all images should follow the same dimensions, eliminating the need for extra adjustments or cropping.
  • When adding new members, staff, or board members to the site, the system should not require tags to be entered manually; this process should be automated.
  • Collaborate closely with KWN team as needed during revisions to the website.

Prohibition on certain telecommunications and video surveillance equipment or services

The company must ensure that they do not use the following telecommunication equipment and services in delivering tasks while providing these services. Covered telecommunications equipment or services” means any of the following:

  1. Telecommunications equipment produced by Huawei Technologies Company or ZTE Corporation (or any subsidiary or affiliate of such entities);
  2. For the purpose of public safety, security of government facilities, physical security surveillance of critical infrastructure, and other national security purposes, video surveillance and telecommunications equipment produced by Hytera Communications Corporation, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company, or Dahua Technology Company (or any subsidiary or affiliate of such entities);
  3. Telecommunications or video surveillance services provided by such entities or using such equipment;
  4. Telecommunications or video surveillance equipment or services produced or provided by an entity that the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Director of the National Intelligence or the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, reasonably believes to be an entity owned or controlled by, or otherwise connected to, the government of a covered foreign country.

“Covered telecommunications equipment or services” also include systems that use covered telecommunications equipment or services as a substantial or essential component of any system, or as critical technology as part of any system.

Evaluation of Offers

Offers shall be evaluated as follows:

Quality/creativity of proposal/design:                        55%

Lowest cost:                                                                45%

Submission of Offers

The narrative and financial offer should be submitted to jobs@womensnetwork.org by 2 April 2025, with the subject “KWN website bid”.

Anticipated Timeframe

The selected individual/company is expected to deliver the tasks approximately one month from the date when the contract is signed.

Call for Bids issued14 March 2025
Deadline for requesting clarifications22 March 2025
Deadline for submitting tenders2 April 2025
Evaluation of offers18 April 2025
Notification of award18 April 2025
Contract signature25 April 2025
Start date of tasks and deliverables25 April 2025
Completion of website revisionsTo be decided upon contract signature, ideally before the end of June
End date for website hosting and maintenance24 April 2028

We thank all applicants for their interest. Only shortlisted or selected applicants will be contacted.

